In 2017 the Colorado Secretary of State signed an agreement with CISA, a department of Homeland Security, granting them FULL ACCESS to all cyber systems. This agreement has essentially Federalized our elections without our consent and against the US Constitution Article 1 Section 2.
Without the Machines we can reclaim our elections on a local level. There is no need for the Federal Government to monitor our elections. Centralization of power in our elections is exactly what our Founding Father's were trying to prevent by assigning the responsibility of elections to the state legislators. Sadly, they have abdicated that responsibility onto the Secretary of State and her Election Rules regulate our elections. She changes these Rules as she pleases with no accountability and has more recently pulled all authority from the county clerks and centralized it to herself. We must return to hand counting paper ballots on one day of election. This can be done. This must be done to return the power to the people of the United States. Learn more about this here.
The CEO of Konnech Inc. was arrested IN 2022 for illegally storing election worker and Overseas Military personnel's personal Identifying Information on a server in China. Anything that enters China belongs to the CCP as per their laws. Therefore this company has sold our PPI to the CCP. With this information the CCP can target vulnerable poll workers to blackmail them to insert a USB or carry in a WiFi device into a polling place to hack our systems. One more huge vulnerability in the Electronic Voting Systems. Colorado has Four known Counties who contracted with Konnech. Read more here and here.
BOMBSHELL The DOD has contracted directly with Konnech and sold our personal data to the CCP read about it here. |
6 Reasons to Get Rid of the Machines by Dr. Doughterty

From the Lindell Report September 12, 2022:
All elections must have Transparency, Accuracy and Accountability*
1. The voting machines are not transparent.* Paper ballots are counted one ballot at a time, examined by the clerk in the presence of observers and election judges from both parties and then the vote is recorded. With voting machines, votes go in and numbers come out. You have no idea what happened in between. Was the vote counted? Ignored? Flipped? Deleted? You have no idea. But numbers do come out of the machine.
2. The voting machines must go because they are not accurate.* Over and over again, we have seen machines accept and count counterfeit ballots. In Maricopa county, AZ ballots which were not on the special required paper, were accepted and counted anyway. Also in Alabama, same machines as Pima county, AZ, accepted and counted photocopied ballots.
3. The voting machines are not accountable.* To Dr. D’s knowledge, there has never been an independent review of voting machine source code in this country.
4. The voting machines’ hardware is vulnerable.* The machines are basically computers. Most, if not all computer hardware is made in China. The Department of Defense has found hardware spying devices on PC motherboards, keyboards, network connectors, etc.
All elections must have Transparency, Accuracy and Accountability*
1. The voting machines are not transparent.* Paper ballots are counted one ballot at a time, examined by the clerk in the presence of observers and election judges from both parties and then the vote is recorded. With voting machines, votes go in and numbers come out. You have no idea what happened in between. Was the vote counted? Ignored? Flipped? Deleted? You have no idea. But numbers do come out of the machine.
2. The voting machines must go because they are not accurate.* Over and over again, we have seen machines accept and count counterfeit ballots. In Maricopa county, AZ ballots which were not on the special required paper, were accepted and counted anyway. Also in Alabama, same machines as Pima county, AZ, accepted and counted photocopied ballots.
3. The voting machines are not accountable.* To Dr. D’s knowledge, there has never been an independent review of voting machine source code in this country.
4. The voting machines’ hardware is vulnerable.* The machines are basically computers. Most, if not all computer hardware is made in China. The Department of Defense has found hardware spying devices on PC motherboards, keyboards, network connectors, etc.
5. The voting machines must go because their software is vulnerable.* AZ voting machines use Windows 10 but minus all the critical security patches and other patches which Microsoft issues monthly. AZ voting machines also do not have up-to-date antivirus definitions.
6. The voting machines must go because their network is vulnerable.* Because the CIS requires that they be allowed to connect from the internet through the firewall into the local network, the voting machines on the local network are vulnerable. Also, many voting machines contain wi-fi or Bluetooth or wireless modems which connect to outside networks. *Copyright: Walter C. Dougherty 2022 |
Summarizing other comments by Dr. Doughterty on the September 12 & 13, 2022 Lindell Report:
The machines aren’t trustworthy - the Mesa County, CO Report #3 reveals what happened inside the machines.
97% of the 500 CVRs received so far, show that there was machine manipulation.
Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
If citizens can access the records and show the Sheriff that people who do not live in the county, voted in the county, it is a felony. The individuals didn’t do it, their names were used by someone who programed the computers (election machines). Ask the county commissioner to get rid of the machines.
Paper ballot voting on election day. Don’t you care about your country?
Counties ought to put their CVR report on the county website (as did San Francisco, CA). This is public information.
** Colorado has a number of counties who post the CVR report online. The counties will supply you with the CVR report if you send in a CORA request. The 2020 General Election and the 2022 Primary CVRs have all been submitted to Cause of America and Jeff O'Donnell.
Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
If citizens can access the records and show the Sheriff that people who do not live in the county, voted in the county, it is a felony. The individuals didn’t do it, their names were used by someone who programed the computers (election machines). Ask the county commissioner to get rid of the machines.
Paper ballot voting on election day. Don’t you care about your country?
Counties ought to put their CVR report on the county website (as did San Francisco, CA). This is public information.
** Colorado has a number of counties who post the CVR report online. The counties will supply you with the CVR report if you send in a CORA request. The 2020 General Election and the 2022 Primary CVRs have all been submitted to Cause of America and Jeff O'Donnell.